Night of the Third Day

I would call it night of the final day but there’s no terrifying giant moon falling towards us today.

Coincidentally enough, today we did an exercise where we categorized the websites we used in 4 different places, which is kind of a followup to what I mentioned on my last blog post. How we don’t use all of our social media and different websites for the same purposes or with the same themes. Those categories were personal, visitor, residence, and professional/study. Some of them probably fit in more than one, while a lot of others only stay enclosed in a single area.

Two of these areas I mentioned might seem obvious (professional/Study and personal) but what about those other two. In visitor sites, you go into it with an objective, to look up information, to do something, but leave no social trace online, kind of when you use google to search up things and you aren’t really commenting or interacting with people or in the site itself.

On the other hand we have resident, where in contrast with visitor, you socialize, meet up and talk with other people and basically leaving your trace online.


Example of the graph where I divide the websites I use.

I can say that for myself the biggest place where I have content, where I have online presence is in tumblr. A website I both use just to look at art, jokes, among other things. But a place where I also post my art and interact with my followers through asks and replies. This constant activity and presence has allowed me to meet a lot of people from across the globe, who I have started chatting with on pm through programs like Discord, and also do things like play games and what not. It creates a completely new experience and kind of friendship that wasn’t possible and didn’t exist before.

There are a lot of people who complain and say that friends met online aren’t “real” or they aren’t as good as real friends. I don’t think there’s a point comparing both, they’re different in their own way and I can say for sure that friends met online can be just as “real” or even closer to you than the reduced amount of people you can meet in person in the restricted space of your city.

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